Thursday, February 14, 2008

Things I LOVE About Bodog

During my years at Bodog I've realized that this is the one poker site that I keep coming back to. I've played at many sites and not one of them compares to bodog. Sure of the bad things I hate about bodog are really annoying, but when it comes down to it there is no place I'd rather play. Here is a list of the things i LOVE about Bodog. Here they are...

1. Easy Money: there are so many BAD players on bodog that simply don't understand the game. Players that push preflop with AK against tight players or when the situation doesn't call for that move. Players who can't fold, who make terrible bluffs, and who are all around terrible.

2. Support: Every experience that I've had with their support has been terrific. They seem to care about their players and have a general concern for the site they run.

3. Traffic: while the number of bodog players can't compare to sites such as pokerstars, it does have decent traffic in the evening hours. It is not difficult to find a loose cash game during evening central time hours US.

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